Forum Thread: Why can't I "slide to unlock" picture messages?

I'm not sure why this bugs me, but...

I just recently discovered that I can swipe a text message on my iPhone 5's lock screen and it will bring up my "Enter Passcode" screen. After I enter in the code, it takes me right to the text message.

However, when I get a picture message, it will NOT let me swipe the photo to bring up the "Enter Passcode" screen, and therefore I cannot go directly to the picture message like I can with a regular text.

Anybody know why this happens and if there's any way to fix it?


PS: I'm on iOS 6.1.4 right now.

2 Responses

Hi Amanda. I can confirm this is a bug in iOS 6 that has been fixed in iOS 7. Until iOS 7 is released, you'll have to continue unlocking by using the slider at the bottom when you get a picture message.

Thanks for the reply. It's kind of a bummer that they're not going to fix it before iOS 7 comes out. Seems like a long wait for a bug fix, but I guess that's life.

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