Control Center Search Results

How To: Add, Remove, & Rearrange Control Center Toggles on Your iPhone

As far as customization goes, there's nothing you can do to change the look and function of the Control Center on your iPhone. By default, you can't alter the system toggles, but if your device is jailbroken, it's a completely different story. With the help of a tweak from developer plipala, called CCSettings for iOS 8, you can add, remove, and rearrange your Control Center toggles.

How To: Stop Control Center from Opening Accidentally in Apps & Games on Your iPhone

You're in the middle of the fight for your life in your favorite iPhone game when all of a sudden, that critical move you tried to make activates Control Center inadvertently, throwing you completely off track. Instead of fuming, do something about it — block Control Center when you're in apps.

How To: What All the Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Symbols Mean in iOS 11's New Control Center (Blue, Gray, or Crossed Out)

Apple took a giant step forward in terms of user customization with the new Control Center in iOS 11. With an improved design, buttons you can pick and choose from, and even a new default Cellular Data toggle, it's definitely a better iPhone experience. However, Apple also took a giant step backward with the confusing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi toggles.

How To: Switch or Connect to Wi-Fi Networks & Bluetooth Devices Right from the Control Center in iOS 13

A long-standing request for the iPhone has been a way to quickly browse and connect to available Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth devices without having to dig through the Settings app. With iOS 13, Apple has finally built this essential feature into Control Center, giving you quick access to wireless settings from anywhere, including the lock screen.

How To: Customize and Use Control Center on Your iPhone for Quick Access to Your Most-Used Apps, Features, and Settings

If you're not using Control Center on your iPhone, you're missing out on a powerful tool that can streamline how you interact with your device, make certain tasks more efficient, and give you quick access to system tools, switches, and sliders for quick changes no matter where you are or what app you're in.

How To: Blank Squares Filling Up Control Center? Here's How to Remove Them or Fill Them Up on Your iPhone

Your iPhone's Control Center is your main hub for quick access to controls like brightness, volume, Wi-Fi, and Do Not Disturb, but if you're using iOS 14, there may be a bunch of screen real estate taken up by blank squares. If that wasted space is bothering you every time you just want to use your flashlight, there's a quick way to get rid of those empty tiles for good.

News: Apple's First iOS 14.2 Beta for iPhone Developers Adds New Control Center Tile for Shazam Music Recognition

Apple released the first beta for iOS 14.2 to iPhone developers on Thursday, Sept. 17. A significant new feature that iOS 14.2 brings to the table is a new Control Center tile for Shazam music recognition. A simple tap of the tile will launch the operating system's built-in Shazam capabilities, scanning for music playing in the immediate area.

How To: Scan QR Codes More Easily on Your iPhone

Starting in iOS 11, Apple introduced a QR code scanner for iPhone that's baked right into the Camera app, reducing the need for a third-party scanner. However, not everyone knew it existed, so a lot of users were still using third-party QR code scanners. In iOS 12 and later, Apple addressed the issue, making theirs much more visible, as well as improved QR code scanning in general.

How To: There's a Much Faster Way to Activate Dark Mode on Your iPhone

With iOS 13, Apple introduced system-wide dark mode for the first time on the iPhone, and there are several ways to activate it. You could use the brightness slider to change the theme, have Siri do it for you, or adjust it straight from the Settings app. But there's one way that's faster than all others so that you can switch from light to dark in no time.

How To: Use This Hidden Trick to Stop Screen Recording on Your iPhone Exactly When You Want

Screen recording on your iPhone is one of the easiest ways to share what's happening on your screen with family and friends. The problem is, everyone knows it's a screen recording when you pull open Control Center to tap the record button. What if we told you there's a better way to end a recording, so what you're left with is a clean video?

How To: Get Android's Quick Settings on Your iPhone for Instant Access to Location Services, Settings & More

In iOS, the Control Center is an easy way to toggle settings such as Wi-Fi, Do Not Disturb, and Low Power Mode. Its Android counterpart is called "Quick Settings," which provides much of the same functionality with a few bonuses. If you're curious about how this toggle menu works or miss having it before you made the switch from Android, you can test it out on your iPhone right now.

How To: Record Your iPhone's Screen with Audio — No Jailbreak or Computer Needed

The only official way to record your iPhone's screen before iOS 11 was to hook it up to a Mac and use QuickTime Player to do the recording for you. If you wanted to record your iPhone's screen without an external device, there were unofficial apps you could use, like AirShou, but they required complicated installations. Now, in iOS 11, iOS 12, and iOS 13, Apple has an official, native screen recording tool.

How To: Unlock Apple's 'Dark Mode' in iOS 11, 12 & 13 for iPhone

Apple gave us the ability to invert colors on the screen a very long time ago. Then they gave us grayscale mode in iOS 8, Night Shift in iOS 9, and the red screen filter in iOS 10. While the long-awaited "Dark Mode" finally appeared in iOS 13, iOS 11 and iOS 12 both have a decent placeholder for it you can use on your iPhone.

How To: Quickly Turn on 'Do Not Disturb' in iOS 12 for 1 Hour Only

With the arrival of iOS 12, Do Not Disturb has received long-overdue enhancements to make the feature more user-friendly. Among these changes is a subtle but incredibly convenient feature that helps ensure you remain undisturbed for short periods of time to more focus on your task at hand — without having to worry about turning it off manually or messing with complicated settings.

How To: View the Battery Percentage Indicator on Your iPhone X, XS, XS Max, or XR

On all other iPhone models, you go to "Battery" in the Settings app and toggle on "Battery Percentage" in order to see the exact amount of power left in the status bar. On the iPhone X, XS, XS Max, and XR, however, that option no longer exists since there's not enough room up there to show the percentage indicator because of the notch for the TrueDepth camera system. But that doesn't mean it's gone entirely.

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