iOS & iPhone How-Tos

How To: Annoy Your Friends on iMessage with a Barrage of Automated Texts

Back in its infancy, the App Store was filled with text bomb apps that allowed users to send a barrage of text messages to friends, family, and foes. It was a fun way to annoy people, but Apple quickly scrubbed the apps because of technical issues. Although text bombs are still banished, you can now use a Siri Shortcut to send text bombs through iMessage on your iPhone.

How To: Convert Multiple Live Photos into 1 Continuous Video on Your iPhone

Live Photos capture the seconds before and after you take a photo, creating a fuller and also unique moment to share with friends and family. Unfortunately, it has been nearly impossible to share Live Photos with non-iPhone users — until now. Thanks to iOS 13, you can easily convert a Live Photo into a video, and even stitch multiple Live Photos together to create one long video.

How To: Stop Videos & Live Photos from Auto-Playing in the Photos App on iOS 13

By default, videos in the Photos app auto-play in several instances on iOS 13, making it a great way to get a quick, extended glimpse when you're browsing. But this isn't always ideal — especially when you're flipping through private or embarrassing videos and other eyes are on your screen. Fortunately, Apple has an easy way to disable this feature.

How To: Organize Emails Better with Your iPhone's Hidden Flag Colors

The latest update to Apple's Mail app introduces a suite of new colors for flags, unique amongst even the best email apps on the App Store. The problem is they're hard to find — if you try to flag an email the old fashioned way, it'll use the default orange color, with seemingly no way to change it. Of course, there is a way, it's just a little out of the way.

How To: 10 Privacy Settings in iOS 13 That Everyone Should Double-Check

Apple has seemingly always made it a priority to show how much it cares about user security and privacy — enough that it has a page dedicated to it, proclaiming that "privacy is a fundamental human right." It's true that there are few issues more important than user privacy when it comes to technology, and Apple only makes things better in iOS 13.

How To: View the Battery Percentage Indicator on Your iPhone 11, 11 Pro, or 11 Pro Max

There are plenty of jokes out there about the battery indicator on iPhones. Some people complain about their iPhones dying randomly at 11%, while others see hours of use at the 1% mark. Despite its inconsistencies, that battery percentage is a useful tell for how desperate you need a charger. There's just one problem: the icon is hiding on your iPhone 11, 11 Pro, or 11 Pro Max.

How To: Shut Down & Restart Your iPhone 11, 11 Pro, or 11 Pro Max

From the iPhone X onward, the Side button has taken on many of the functions associated with the Home button, such as summoning Siri, pulling up the AssistiveTouch shortcut, and more. So if you've finally ditched your Home button iPhone for the latest iPhone 11, the process of shutting down and restarting is something you'll need to learn all over.

How To: Tune in to Your Favorite Radio Station by Just Asking Siri

As much as streaming services like Apple Music and Spotify have dominated the music industry, radio is still alive and well. And why wouldn't it be? Free music, 24/7? It's a great deal. That's why it's so cool that your iPhone can instantly tune in to your favorite radio station, even one across the country.

How To: Instantly Jump Your iPhone's Cursor to the Middle of Any Word

When you type on a computer, you have the help of a mouse or trackpad to guide your cursor. Unless you set up a mouse with your iPhone, however, you don't have that option on the go. Therefore, iOS needs to come up with ways for you to move your cursor around to easy pick up typing where you want to. Among other solutions, Apple has a way to jump your cursor wherever you want.

How To: Un-Delete Text on Your iPhone with One Swipe

So, you undid something you typed on your iPhone. Maybe you used the new gesture in iOS 13 to do so. Maybe you shook your iPhone, on purpose or accidentally, to trigger the traditional undo method. Either way, you want your text back, or to redo your edit, and you aren't sure how to do it. Luckily, it's as easy as a swipe.

How To: It's Easy to Stop Apps from Automatically Updating on Your iPhone

Since iOS 7, your iPhone automatically updates all of your apps, which is a wonderful thing ... until it's not. Not only does this feature drain the battery quicker when enabled, it can also bring changes to features, settings, and user interfaces in the apps that you already know and love. That's why you can easily disable the feature and stop apps from automatically updating.

How To: Apple Finally Fixed the Biggest Problem with the iPhone's Files App

The Files app was first introduced to the iPhone with the release of iOS 11. In the two years since its unveiling, we've enjoyed a more desktop-class experience since there's finally a decent file manager for mobile devices. That said, there was always one major issue with the Files app, an issue iOS 13 solves for good.

How To: Copy Text in a Second with This Hidden iPhone Gesture

Copying text is as much an iOS staple as anything else. From its inception in iPhone OS 3.0 (yes, the first two iPhones shipped without copy and paste) until iOS 12, the copy function has stayed exactly the same. While the option is still present in your iPhone's contextual menu, iOS 13 introduces a modern way to copy text using just a gesture.

How To: Use Siri to Play Spotify Music (All the Commands You Need to Know)

Finally, Spotify now works with Siri! It's been a long time coming, but as of Spotify Music version 8.5.6 for iOS 13, you can make Siri or Hey Siri on your iPhone play and control music in your Spotify account. But what commands can you use? We've built a list of everything you can tell Siri to do on Spotify right now, and as time goes on, the list may grow even more powerful.

How To: Announce Messages with Siri Not Working on iOS 13.2? Here's the Fix

Apple added "Announce Messages with Siri" with the release of iOS 13.2, and it came as a welcome surprise for me; I missed the feature from its initial run during iOS 13 beta testing. However, while users online gleefully showed off their newfound Announce Messages with Siri capabilities, I was frustrated to see that I didn't have the setting, even though I just updated my iPhone to 13.2. So, what's the fix?

How To: iOS 13 Makes Bulk-Deleting Emails in Apple Mail Easier & Faster on Your iPhone

One of my biggest gripes with the Mail app on iOS is that it makes it super hard to select multiple emails quickly in a search. For instance, if you want to delete all emails from one sender, it could take a seriously long time to do it the usual way. A bug in iOS 12 and older helped make the process faster, but it's no longer around in iOS 13, but Apple did include a faster way to select multiple emails.

How To: Apple's Mail App in iOS 13 Has New, Faster Ways to Select Multiple Emails

Normally, when you want to select multiple emails in the Mail app, you'd hit "Edit," tap all the bubbles next to the emails, then mark them, move them, or trash them. But in iOS 13, there's a much faster way to do it on your iPhone.

How To: You No Longer Have to Open Settings to Switch & Connect to Wi-Fi on Your iPhone (FINALLY!)

Figuring out the Wi-Fi at a new location is challenging enough. Connecting to said Wi-Fi should be as easy as possible. Unless someone you know is already connected on their iPhone, you're probably used to the usual routine of heading to the Wi-Fi page in the Settings app to get yourself online. Luckily, there's now a much better way to do so.

How To: Your iPhone Has Hidden Indent Tools, Here's How to Find Them

Your computer has a lot of physical keys. Your iPhone has, at most, four hardware buttons, none of which are used for typing. That means the software has to power the same typing tools you'd find on your Mac or PC, only on a touchscreen. As such, some features, such as the indent tools, are buried so deep you may not even know it's possible to "tab" forward and backward.

How To: You're Scrolling Wrong on Your iPhone — This Way's Much Faster

You're scrolling wrong. Kind of a weird accusation, isn't it? But you are. If you're still scrolling through long pages on your iPhone swipe after swipe, you're simply wasting time. There's a much faster way to get to where you want to be, whether that's on a lengthy webpage, long conversation in Messages, or multipage document.

How To: Catch Your iPhone's Hotspot Data Thief Red-Handed

I use my iPhone's personal hotspot all the time. Whether I need a connection on the train, in a coffee shop with no Wi-Fi, or when my friends don't have service, my personal hotspot is a lifesaver. But all that data comes from somewhere, of course, that somewhere being your cellular plan. Luckily, you can see how much data your hotspot has used, as well as who or what used more of it.

How To: There's a New Simple Swipe to Undo Typing on Your iPhone

Remember when typing without physical keys seemed ridiculous? Now, touch typing is the smartphone norm. That said, mistakes are inevitable on small screens. So before you start hammering on that delete key or shaking your iPhone like a madman, know that there's a better way to undo text you didn't mean to type — no shaking involved.

How To: Share Your ETA to Contacts from Apple Maps Manually or Automatically

Are you here yet? When will you arrive? How long until you get here? How far are you? Hurry up! When you're meeting up with someone or a group of people, you may get flooded with messages like that. Instead of trying to answer them mid-trip, you can send them your status from Apple Maps, so they know precisely when you'll arrive, and they'll even get updates if traffic is holding you back.

How To: The Best External Storage Options for iPhone That Work with iOS 13's Files App

The Files app received a big update in iOS 13. Before, it was limited to local and cloud-based files, but now you can access data from external storage devices, including SD cards and USB drives. But before you try to connect your favorite card or drive to your iPhone, there are a few things you need to know.

How To: Can't Find Night Mode on Your iPhone? Here's Why

Apple might not have been the first to add a night camera mode to its suite of smartphones, but it's pretty impressive nonetheless. With "Night" mode, your iPhone can shoot photos with incredible detail in some horrendously dark lighting conditions. But when you open up your new iPhone to try it out, you might be wondering how you turn it on.

How To: Keep Safari's Toolbars Hidden While Scrolling Webpages in iOS 13

Normally, when you scroll down a webpage in Safari on your iPhone, it automatically hides the bottom toolbar and minimizes the top Smart Search field. But as soon as you scroll back up, they both reappear, which can be pretty annoying if you don't need them. Apple's iOS 13 update brings many new features to Safari, one of which solves the toolbar issue so you can keep it hidden when reading.

How To: Shoot in 4K with the Selfie Camera on Your iPhone 11, 11 Pro & 11 Pro Max

If you're a vlogger or somebody who relies on high-quality selfie cam footage, the iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max are right up your alley. Apple's newest iOS devices all come equipped with a 4K front-facing camera, and the video quality is spectacular. That said, your video won't be in 4K right out of the box. You'll need to set that resolution yourself.