iOS & iPhone Features

Wish List: 18 Features We'd Like iOS 11 to Embrace on iPhones

WWDC 2017 is right around the corner, where Apple is expected to reveal iOS 11, the newest version of their mobile operating system. There have been many rumors floating around about what iOS 11 will have in store for us, but not all of those features will end up in the final product — and a lot of the features you want won't actually make the cut, either. But that doesn't mean we can't hope for the best.

How To: Track All Your Online Orders from One App

Shopping wasn't always this easy. Now, in a matter of minutes, you can order your groceries for the week, send your cracked phone in for repairs, get your holiday shopping done, and have everything delivered to your front door in just a few days — without ever having to leave your home. Online shopping is convenient, comfortable, and a blessing ... right? Well, it can also be a headache.

How To: Create Collaborative Reminders on Your iPhone or iPad

Reminding a spouse or roommate to pick up some last-minute groceries is typically done with a quick message that can easily go unnoticed or unseen. Your feeble attempt of a reminder won't work unless it's conveniently sent at the right moment, like when they're on their way home. Chances are, you'll forget to text them and they'll forget the earlier reminder you sent.

How To: Bypass an iPhone's Lock Screen in iOS 12.1 & 12.1.1 to Access Contacts

While iOS 12 is arguably the best iteration of Apple's mobile operating system yet, one major fault so far is security. On Sept. 26, Videosdebarraquito discovered a passcode bypass that gave access to contacts and photos from the lock screen. Apple has since patched that security flaw, but Videosdebarraquito has discovered a new one that affects all iPhones running iOS 12.1 and 12.1.1 beta.

How To: Remove Stock iOS App, Without Jailbreak (iOS 6)

At first glance, the iOS home screen looks nearly identical to the original release back in 2007. Though those experienced with the evolving iterations of iOS will tell you that the features have changed. Furthermore, with the App Store continuing to explode with (lets face it) better options than the stock software, these included applications are only causing clutter across the springboard.

How To: Craving a Mario Kart Gaming Experience on Your iPhone? Give This Soft Launched Game a Try

Space Ape has soft-launched Go Race: Super Karts, giving you a fresh take on mobile racing games by blending in elements found within the classic Mario Kart series and RPGs for some seriously addicting gameplay. And while it's only available in Australia, Netherlands, and Philippines, there's a workaround to get this game on your iPhone right now, no matter where you are.

How To: Use Keyframes to Animate Effects & Create Custom Transitions in Enlight Videoleap for iPhone

One of the most powerful features when editing videos with Enlight Videoleap is the keyframe tool, which allows you to add custom transitions, animate text, granularly adjust audio, move video clips across the frame, supplement effects, and more. If you want your video to change color over time or for captions to move across the screen, use keyframes in combination with Videoleap's other tools.

How To: Get Dark Mode on Facebook for Less Eye Strain When Browsing Your News Feed [Jailbreak Tweak]

Dark mode support has steadily made its way to mainstream acceptance, with big-name apps like YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter adopting the feature to satisfy user demands. In this regard, Facebook is lagging, yet to offer the sought-after feature for easier viewing in low-light conditions. If your iPhone is jailbroken, however, you don't have to suffer like everyone else.

News: Apple Just Released iOS 13.2 Developer Beta 2 for iPhone, Introduces New Emoji

While most users are on iOS 13.1.2, you have the option to run something a bit newer. We're talking about beta testing, specifically iOS 13.2. Apple released the first developer and public betas for 13.2 last Thursday, Oct. 3. Now, the company is doing it all over again, with the release of iOS 13.2 developer beta 2.

How To: Apple's iOS 8.1 Update Gives iPhones Everything That iOS 8 Promised

While the adoption of Apple's newest mobile operating system, iOS 8, was smoother than its predecessor, there were still a lot of bugs and features that needed ironed out. There were lost cellular signals, missing Camera Rolls, a confusing iCloud Drive, and no functioning Apple Pay yet, among other things. Now it's just over a month later from its first release to the public and things are finally looking pretty good.

How To: Get the New iPad Pro Wallpapers on Any iPhone

The current iPhone lineup inarguably features Apple's best displays to date, but the stock wallpapers don't really do the screens justice. There are plenty of third-party wallpapers you can use, as well as ones you create yourself. However, if you want that typical Apple feeling, you're better off sticking with Apple wallpapers, and the iPad Pro has some beautiful ones that look awesome on an iPhone.

How To: Add Dissolves, Wipes, Fades & Other Video Transitions in Enlight Videoleap for iPhone

An edited video with lots of different clips needs great transitions to be successful. Transitions support your story and message, and without any, there's always a chance that your audience might lose track of what's going on and when. When editing in Enlight Videoleap for iOS, you can easily add cut, dissolve, iris, wipe, slide, and fade transitions to your video clips with just a few taps.

News: 14 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Try Out iOS 11.4 Beta on Your iPhone Just Yet

While there are at least five cool things coming in iOS 11.4, they may not be enough to get you to install the iOS 11.4 beta on your iPhone. Since its initial beta release at the start of April, there have been plenty of known issues and user-reported bugs to deal with. While bugs are to be expected with a beta, you may want to read these before installing this one on your iPhone.

How To: Send Robocalls, Spammers & Unknown Callers on Your iPhone Directly to Voicemail

Does your iPhone always ring off the hook, with each call nothing more than a robocall, spammer, or scammer? It's not just you. Auto-dialing systems and phone scams are a growing issue that anyone with a phone number is likely experiencing throughout the United States. But Apple has added a super simple way to combat these calls in iOS 13, a feature we recommend everyone turn on.

How To: Reply to Texts, Trash Emails, Snooze Reminders, & More with Interactive Notifications in iOS 8

Notification banners and alerts aren't new to iOS, but the ability to expand and interact with them is. Apple's new iOS 8 has ushered in some small, yet convenient features to the banner and alert notifications that make them truly interactive. The new additions, as you will see, makes it easy to complete simple tasks without leaving the current screen you're in.