How To: Turn Your iPad or iPhone's Bland Keyboard Blue with This Easy iOS 7 Tweak

Turn Your iPad or iPhone's Bland Keyboard Blue with This Easy iOS 7 Tweak

Keyboards tend to get overlooked as we rapidly text or type up emails, but when we do find the time to look at it, it's pretty bland. That's why we showed you how to spruce things up with a dark keyboard on your iPhone, which served as my default keyboard...until now.

With BlueBoard, you can make your keyboard layout have blue keys, which looks freakin' outstanding when compared to basic white—it's clean, quick, and simple. To get started, just make sure you're iPhone is jailbroken and running iOS 7.

GO Blue with BlueBoard

Head into Cydia to search for and install the free BlueBoard tweak from the BigBoss Repo.

Once installed, go into your Settings app and locate BlueBoard to set preferences—Enable, then respring to apply the changes to your keyboard.

If you want a dark background to go with your cool blue keys, just enable Dark Keyboard as well, which I think is definitely the way to go, but to each their own.

And that's it, easy as pie. Remember, this doesn't change your keyboard, it only themes it. If you want to go back to the stock look, simply disable BlueBoard (and Dark Keyboard if you're using it).

Now just change the color of your text bubbles and you'll be a lean, mean, blue-matching machine.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

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