News: (Updated) Your First Real "Look" at iOS 8

(Updated) Your First Real "Look" at iOS 8

Update: June 2nd, 2014

Over the weekend, someone snuck in to Apple's presentation dry run, and grabbed a quick video of the new iPhone will look like.

End Update

While Apple gets ready to unveil iOS 8 at the five-day WWDC in San Francisco next week, the first real evidence of the new operating has leaked out.

Jay Yarow, a news editor for Business Insider, tweeted out this picture of a large banner at WWDC14, with an "8" in the center of a water-themed background. Could this be hinting at a potential waterproof Apple device, like the new Galaxy S5?!

Image by Jyarow/Twitter

Someone's sure to get in trouble for this, as Apple prefers to keep their projects tightly under wrap. That's probably why the security guard in the picture doesn't look all that happy. However, he was able to get a better unobstructed look at it after it was hung up.

Image by Jyarow/Twitter

Oliur from UltraLinx also posted a pic on his Twitter.

Image by UltraLinx/Twitter

Steve Streza gave MacStories an alternative view of the banner on the ground, which is free of security guards.

Image by Steve Streza/MacStories

Stay tuned next week for the actual unveiling of iOS 8, which we'll be covering extensively.

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Raining into water... upside-down. Interesting.

I thought it was light rays shining through water captured from just below the surface. Waterproof phone maybe?

Must be waterproof. And I thought rain because it looked like there are impacts in the water, though they could just be bubbles. Maybe it's meant to look like both.

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