News: Grid Studio Turns Old iPhones into Works of Art

Grid Studio Turns Old iPhones into Works of Art

Apple is known for its dedication to design, attention to detail, and for its apparent belief that its products are half device, half art. If you've ever felt similarly about that latter point, or had a desire to hang your iPhone on the wall, Grid Studio might just have the piece for you.

Grid Studio is a company that takes older technology — like iPhones — and frames them as art meant to be hung on your wall. However, Grid doesn't just pop an iPhone in the case and call it a day. Instead, the company dissects the device, breaking down and labeling each individual internal component like a specimen frame.

It's a great idea — most of the products we buy, we never really see how they work. We just use them as intended, and discard or shelve them when they stop working for us. But with Grid, you not only appreciate the design of a product, you see how each invisible piece of that product works (or worked) together.

Take the iPhone 3GS, for example. That's the Grid piece I decided to go with, since the 3GS was my first iPhone. Back in 2009, most of us never really considered what was actually inside the smartphones we bought. After all, this was only the third iPhone ever — I was more enthralled with the things I could do with it, and less consumed by how those things happened.

These days, teardowns are a dime a dozen. You can see every component of all the new iPhones with a Google search. But it's really cool to see the first iPhone I ever owned in all of its internal and external glory. This particular frame runs for $199, but Grid currently has it on sale for $169.

Checking Out Grid's iPhone 3GS Frame

Before we get into the frame, I have to say, Grid's packaging is definitely impressive. When you open the box, you see a high-quality, black wrapping paper, complete with black ribbon; a live, pressed plant; and a wax seal holding it all together. It's enough to hold you back from tearing into your frame right away!

Once you do open your frame, you'll find the front and back of the iPhone on either side, with the internals spread in between. Grid makes a point to highlight the following 10 components of the device:

  • Camera
  • Power button
  • Main board
  • Vibration motor
  • Volume
  • Back cover
  • Sim card holder
  • Circuit board
  • Headphone socket
  • Dock connector

The 3GS isn't the only iPhone Grid has. In fact, the company makes frames for iPhones going up to the X. That said, it also has a wide variety of other options, including a Pixel, Galaxy, BlackBerry, and Nokia. Plus, Grid extends beyond smartphones. If you're more interested in buying an iPod, Apple Watch, GameBoy, or PSP, Grid has your back.

Just know, the company does warn that because these are used devices, there might be some light damage on the one used in your frame. I didn't experience that with mine, but it's good to keep in mind before making your purchase.

Just updated your iPhone to iOS 18? You'll find a ton of hot new features for some of your most-used Apple apps. Dive in and see for yourself:

Cover image and screenshots by Jake Peterson/Gadget Hacks

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