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Apple's iOS 14 Developer Beta 3 for iPhone Includes New Clock Widget, Refreshed Music Icon & More

Jul 22, 2020 05:17 PM
Aug 4, 2020 05:40 PM
Apple iPhone with dual camera and logo.

Apple just released iOS 14 developer beta 3 for iPhone today, Wednesday, July 22. The update comes 15 days after Apple released the second developer beta for iOS 14, and 13 days after the release of iOS 14 public beta 2.

Apple released this update at 10 a.m. PDT, the company's standard release time for developer beta updates. The keyword there is "developer," as this update is only for registered developers. If you're a public beta tester, you'll need to wait for Apple to release iOS 14 public beta 3, which we expect to see at 1 p.m. PDT today, or 10 a.m. PDT tomorrow.

So, what's new with dev beta 3? To start, Apple finally added the Clock widget in three different styles, as seen below. In addition, the Music icon is now red, reminiscent of a previous iOS Music icon.


Music gets a big update with beta 3. First of all, the icon is now red, as is the color scheme for the Music widgets. Music's menu button is now grey with red dots instead of the other way around. Music's Library section also has new icons, and you can now share Apple Music content to Snapchat stories, just like can you to Instagram or Facebook stories.


Apple also added a new splash screens when interacting with various parts of iOS for the first time. It also confirms that "jiggle mode" is now the official name when editing the home screen.


You also have a new mask option for Memoji. Before, you could only use the ruffled mask, but now you also have the option to choose a smooth mask.


In Today View, the Edit button is now permanently fixed at the bottom of the display. It also can be used to enter jiggle mode, and the "Customize" option is much clearer for adding and removing the older style of third-party widgets.

Here are some other awesome features and changes in dev beta 3:

  • Receive an alert if you haven't washed your hands within a few minutes of getting home (requires watchOS 7 as well)
  • Fixes a major storage issue in betas 1 and 2
  • "Sleep" is now "Sleep | Wake Up" in Clock
  • Find My splash screen now has different icons, "Offline Finding" now "Find My network"
  • Home screen icons lowered by a few pixels
  • Display zoom for iPhones with 5.4-inch displays
  • Slight adjustments to UI, including icons and text
  • New timeout function added to selecting emoji in emoji search
  • Tapping twice on the Search tab in Music will bring up the keyboard
  • You can resume playback after force-quitting Music
  • Screen Time widget now shows more information
  • New large widgets for Smart Stack and Shortcut Suggestions
  • Delete screenshot pop-up now appears at bottom of display
  • Back Tap now available on older devices
  • New color for Flag option in Mail
  • Selecting multiple emails is now possible again
  • Shazam shortcut now has an animation, as well as a specified function in Control Center
  • New prompt when Shazam doesn't recognize a song
  • Maps will give you a prompt to change directions to "Walking" if you prefer
  • New prompt for getting to your destination safely on foot
  • When setting an alarm, you can now change the time right away
  • "Current Location" is now "My Location" in Weather
  • New "Select" option in Photos (doesn't currently work)
  • Some animations are now quicker system-wide
  • "Recommendations" and "New Features" options removed in in-app Notification settings in News
  • "Environmental Sound Levels" now "Headphone Audio Levels" in Health
  • New "Silence Junk Callers" option in Phone
  • When drawing in Notes, you'll now see greyed out icon at the top before you start

Dev beta 2 introduced dozens of fresh features, including system-wide updates to icons and glyphs, haptic feedback for playback controls in Music, and an extra sizing option for Picture in Picture.

iOS & iPadOS 14 Beta 3 Release Notes


The iOS & iPadOS 14 SDK provides support to develop apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS & iPadOS 14. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 12 beta 3, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 12 beta 3, see Xcode 12 Beta 3 Release Notes.

General - Known Issues

  • Important - Updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta from previous versions of iOS & iPadOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
  • macOS Big Sur 11 beta or Xcode 12 beta might be required to sync or update devices running iOS & iPadOS 14 beta.

3D Touch - Known Issues

  • 3D Touch is temporarily unavailable in iOS 14 Beta 3. (65576619)

Accessibility - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • Hey Siri is now recognized while Sound Recognition is enabled. (57295771)
  • Guided Access is now available. (64222059)
  • VoiceOver users can now interact with the Home Screen after returning from the App Library. (65043969)
  • VoiceOver users can now answer incoming calls using the new Banner display style. (64858244)

App Store - Known Issues

  • Avoid calling the presentCodeRedemptionSheet() API until you're able to create supported codes. (59351258)

Audio - Known Issues

  • CHHapticEngine vended through the Game Controller framework (GCDeviceHaptics) don't support CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer and an error is returned on advanced player creation.
  • audioCustom and audioContinuous events sent to CHHapticEngine vended through the Game Controller framework (GCDeviceHaptics) are silently ignored. (65163373)
  • The creation of CHHapticEngine via class initializers is available only in iOS. For other platforms, access these engines via GCController. (65481931)

AVFoundation - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • AVAssetDownloadTask options, AVAssetDownloadTaskMinimumRequiredPresentationSizeKey, and AVAssetDownloadTaskAllowHighDynamicRangeKey are now available. (64000708)

Core Media - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • Low-Latency HLS is now supported in Safari or Webkit. (61859389)

Core ML - Deprecations

  • The default initializer on the auto-generated model interface has been deprecated in favor of init(configuration:). Use init(configuration:) or the newly introduced .load() method and handle model load errors as appropriate. (62875309)

DeviceCheck - Known Issues

  • When implementing the DCAppAttestService class, calls to a attestKey(_:clientDataHash:completionHandler:) method currently returns a serverUnavailable error. (55893194)

ExposureNotification - Known Issues

  • ExposureNotification isn't currently available in iOS 14 beta. Use iOS 13.6 beta to preview the latest functionality. (64433241)

Fonts - Known Issues

  • Beginning in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta, fonts installed using configuration profiles are only available to apps supporting the font APIs and entitlements introduced in iOS & iPadOS 13. If your app provides a custom font-selection interface, it can no longer access fonts installed via configuration profiles. For reference, see the WWDC 2019 Session Font Management and Text Scaling (55317428)

Home Screen - Known Issues

  • App Library section headers aren't positioned as expected in right-to-left languages. (63558681)
  • Spotlight might not appear as expected. (64121178) Workaround: Restart your device.

HomeKit - Known Issues

  • Certain accessories might be unreachable while your device is locked. (65465625)

Localization - Known Issues

  • Certain languages might exhibit clipped or misaligned layout.
  • Certain languages might display unlocalized text. (63246545, 64040564)

Location - Known Issues

  • Location Services might be unavailable. (64993968) Workaround: Turn Location Services off and back on in Settings > Privacy > Location Services.

Location - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • In Swift, the authorizationStatus() property of CLLocationManager is now correctly exposed as a property. (62853845)
  • requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorization(withPurposeKey:completion:) no longer calls its completion handler before the accuracyAuthorization property has been updated. (64036689)
  • Widgets only have access to location information if the NSWidgetWantsLocation key is in their Info.plist. (61953645)
  • Location Services no longer become unavailable if Set Automatically is disabled in Settings > General > Date & Time. (63654865)

Mail - Known Issues

  • Mark Blocked Sender might be unexpectedly disabled after updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 Beta 3. (65230154). Workaround: Turn on Mark Blocked Sender in Settings > Mail > Blocked Sender Options.

Maps - Known Issues

  • After updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2 or later, user data such as Favorites, Collections, and Recents no longer syncs with devices running earlier versions of iOS & iPadOS. (65005848)

Measure - Known Issues

  • Automatic person height measurement using iPad Pro 12.9-inch (4th generation) and iPad Pro 11-inch (2nd generation) is currently unavailable. (64613902)

Messages - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • iMessage apps icons are now hidden when switching to the emoji keyboard. (60897469)

Music - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • A new option is available to share Apple Music songs, albums, and playlists to Snapchat Stories. (60895397)

Music - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • The volume control now works when the EU Volume Limit is active. (64172180)

Networking - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • HTTP/3 Draft 29 is now supported. (63524866)

Notes - Known Issues

  • The pen tools might activate unexpectedly while typing with a Bluetooth keyboard. (65005033)

Phone and FaceTime - Known Issues

  • Control Center indicates "Phone" is using the microphone for calls placed over the cellular network, but indicates "System" for calls placed over Wi-Fi networks. (64269165)
  • After using FaceTime with Picture-in-Picture mode, your video might unexpectedly pause. (65568837) Workaround: Turn the camera off and on again.

Photos - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • Image search is now supported in Simulator. (62479686)

RealityKit - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • The new DebugModelComponent struct has been renamed to ModelDebugOptionsComponent, and its shaderDebugMode property has been renamed to shaderDebugMode. (64275817)

Settings - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • The "Allow Apps to Request to Track" preference in Settings > Privacy > Tracking no longer unexpectedly becomes re-enabled after being disabled. (64168665)
  • The "Learn More…" link in Settings > Privacy > Tracking is now available. (63106206)

Shortcuts - Known Issues

  • Automations might not run if they're scheduled immediately after one another. (65255964)

Siri - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • Triggering an automation when closing an app is now available. (62820498)
  • Siri now recognizes shortcuts. (63648718)
  • Built-in and developer-provided actions that contain text array parameters no longer produce an unexpected error. (64808212)

Siri - Known Issues

  • Searching for "Timer" and tapping a suggestion to start a timer doesn't start the timer as expected. (62849336)

Software Update - Known Issues

  • Your device might restart, but isn't updated to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta. (64606517) Workaround: Try removing content to free up additional storage or update your device using your computer.

SwiftUI - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • List may now be used with ScrollViewReader. (35471164)
  • Text gains a new initializer accepting a Formatter. (63641785)
  • Menu is now supported on iOS & iPadOS and can be used to create a button that shows a menu as its primary action. (59725999)
  • A new redaction reason API for applying placeholder Text treatment is now available. (63288447)

SwiftUI - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • Button no longer renders images as templates by default. (50867529)
  • OnAppear callbacks work reliably in all layouts. (63031598)

SwiftUI - Known Issues

  • Rebuilding against the iOS 14 SDK will modify instances of custom(_:size:) to scale with dynamic type. To create a font which doesn't scale with dynamic type, use custom(_:fixedSize:). (51463566)
  • The SignInWithAppleButton view expands to fill its container. (64136568) Workaround: Apply a frame modifier.

Third-Party Apps - Known Issues

  • Apps using JSONKit might quit unexpectedly on launch. Some forks of JSONKit hardcode private pointer-representation details, which are subject to change. (60290929) Workaround: Use NSJSONSerialization instead.
  • fstab has been removed. Filesystem contents outside of an app's sandbox can no longer be used for validation. (61098152)
  • Apps using the NativeScript framework might quit unexpectedly on launch. NativeScript performs an unsafe operation to determine if an arbitrary pointer is an Objective-C object pointer. You can temporarily resolve this issue by using object_getClass(_:) instead of reading the isa directly; however, update this code to avoid checking whether arbitrary pointers are Objective-C object pointers. (62913064)

Translate - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • On-Device Mode is now supported. (64437614)

Vision - Deprecations

  • The VNIdentifiedPointsObservation class is deprecated. Use VNRecognizedPointsObservation instances instead. (63690311)

Wallet - Known Issues

  • isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn't ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880) Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().

Watch - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • Your Medical ID now appears as expected in the Apple Watch app. (64953421)

Widgets - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 3

  • The frame(width:height:alignment:) modifier now works for views including root level VStack and HStack. (62617098)
  • onBackgroundURLSessionEvents(matching:_:) is now called as expected. (64671952)
  • Stacks no longer unexpectedly become unavailable. (64682733)
  • After tapping Edit Widget for a large widget, the animation is now correct. (63646749)
  • When a device is locked, widgets on the lock screen now have the correct appearance. (63246894)
  • Widgets no longer appear unresponsive. (64899088)
  • The Weather widget no longer appears blank. (64737058)

Widgets - Known Issues

  • The Quick Actions menu might unexpectedly appear behind the widget overlay. (64456466) Workaround: Restart your device.
  • Some widgets might disappear from your Home Screen after updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2 or later. (64823469) Workaround: Add the missing widgets back to your Home Screen.
  • Fonts size currently doesn't adjust automatically for different device sizes. (60348216)
  • Widgets aren't blocked for Screen Time when their parent app is blocked. (60747373)
  • WidgetKit extensions can continue to access location services for up to 15 minutes after being viewed if their app has been granted While Using the App location access. (62888317)
  • You can't resize an existing widget. (63500799) Workaround: Remove the widget and re-add it at the desired size.
  • The conditions displayed in the Weather widget might not match the conditions displayed in the Weather app. (64948860)
  • Entries provided by placeholder(with:) don't have a redacted modifier applied automatically. (65040472) Workaround: Manually apply a .redacted(reason:) modifier to views for placeholder entries.
  • When indicating a significant change in temperature for the next day, the Weather widget might display temperatures in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit. (65061840)
  • You might need to reconfigure your widgets after updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 Beta 3. (65485709)

Updates in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

Accessibility - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • You can now activate Siri or trigger the Accessibility Shortcut using Full Keyboard Access. (59607413)
  • Non-hearing aid devices no longer unexpectedly appear in the Hearing Devices setting. (64213426)

Accessibility - Known Issues

  • Hey Siri isn't recognized while Sound Recognition is enabled. (57295771)

Guided Access might be unavailable. (64222059)

  • VoiceOver users might have difficulty answering incoming calls using the new Banner display style. (64858244) Workaround: Magic Tap will answer incoming calls or you can set incoming calls to use the legacy Full-Screen display style in Settings > Phone > Incoming Calls.
  • VoiceOver users might be unable to interact with your Home Screen after returning from the App Library. (65043969) Workaround: Restart your device.

App Store - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • The userInfo parameter can now be passed to Account Authentication Modification Extensions during in-app upgrades. (64128404)

App Store - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • You no longer need to use a GM version of iOS & iPad OS 13 for on-boarding to the SKAdNetwork API. (64228858)

App Store - Known Issues

  • Avoid calling the presentCodeRedemptionSheet() API until you're able to create supported codes. (59351258)

ARKit - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Replaying an ARKit ARSession using the new ARGeoTrackingConfiguration is now supported. (63249747)

Audio - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Parameter curves are now supported with CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer, and can have greater than 16 controlPoints. (48822574)

AVFoundation - Known Issues

  • AVAssetDownloadTask options, AVAssetDownloadTaskMinimumRequiredPresentationSizeKey, and AVAssetDownloadTaskAllowHighDynamicRangeKey are currently unavailable. (64000708)

Calendar - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Custom recurring events can now be created. (64318342)

Core Media - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Apps using the built-in compositor for transitioning effects no longer get stuck following the first clip. (63677038)

Core Media - Known Issues

  • Low-Latency HLS isn't currently supported in Safari or Webkit. (61859389)

Core ML - Deprecations

  • The default initializer on the auto-generated model interface has been deprecated in favor of init(configuration:). Use init(configuration:) or the newly introduced .load() method and handle model load errors as appropriate. (62875309)

DeviceCheck - Known Issues

  • When implementing the DCAppAttestService class, calls to a attestKey(_:clientDataHash:completionHandler:) method currently returns a serverUnavailable error. (55893194)

ExposureNotification - Known Issues

  • ExposureNotification isn't currently available in iOS 14 beta. Use iOS 13.6 beta to preview the latest functionality. (64433241)

Fonts - Known Issues

  • Beginning in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta, fonts installed using configuration profiles are only available to apps supporting the font APIs and entitlements introduced in iOS & iPadOS 13. If your app provides a custom font-selection interface, it can no longer access fonts installed via configuration profiles. For reference, see the WWDC 2019 Session Font Management and Text Scaling (55317428)

Game Controller - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • If your app imports the Game Controller framework, you no longer see a spurious compiler warning "Report this issue to the owners of GameController". (64172595)

HealthKit - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • You can now request authorization to share HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStairDescentSpeed. (64369379)

Home screen - Known Issues

  • App Library section headers aren't positioned as expected in right-to-left languages. (63558681)
  • Spotlight might not appear as expected. (64121178) Workaround: Restart your device.

HomeKit - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Home no longer quits unexpectedly when first launched. (63900758)

The following deprecated Swift APIs are now available in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2:

  • HMHomeManager.addHome(withName:completionHandler:), replaced by HMHomeManager.addHome(name:completionHandler:);
  • HMHome.addActionSet(withName:completionHandler:), replaced by HMHome.addActionSet(name:completionHandler:);
  • HMHome.addRoom(withName:completionHandler:), replaced by HMHome.addRoom(name:completionHandler:);
  • HMHome.addServiceGroup(withName:completionHandler:), replaced by HMHome.addServiceGroup(name:completionHandler:);
  • HMHome.addZone(withName:completionHandler:), replaced by bHMHome.addZone(name:completionHandler:). (64371987)

Localization - Known Issues

  • Certain languages might exhibit clipped or misaligned layout.
  • Certain languages might display unlocalized text. (63246545, 64040564)

Location - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • App-provided Usage Description strings no longer appear in bold text in location prompts. (63882116)

Location - Known Issues

  • Widgets have access to location information even if the NSWidgetWantsLocation key isn't in their Info.plist. (61953645)
  • In Swift, the authorizationStatus() property of CLLocationManager is incorrectly exposed as a method instead of a property. (62853845)
  • requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorization(withPurposeKey:completion:) might call its completion handler before the accuracyAuthorization property has been updated. (64036689)
  • Location Services might become unavailable if Set Automatically is disabled in Settings > General > Date & Time. (63654865) Workaround: Restart your device.

Maps - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Alerts are now available for congestion zones or license plate restriction zones. (63826260)
  • Maps is now available to provide driving directions. (64415002)
  • License plates added to My Vehicles are no longer unexpectedly removed. (64203230)
  • When performing certain actions such as finding directions, you can now grant Maps temporary access to your precise location using either your watch or your phone. (63202251)
  • In Simulator, MapKit views no longer unexpectedly render all-black. (63834449)

Maps - Known Issues

  • After updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2, user data such as Favorites, Collections, and Recents no longer syncs with devices running earlier versions of iOS & iPadOS. (65005848)

Measure - Known Issues

  • Automatic person height measurement using iPad Pro 12.9-inch (4th generation) and iPad Pro 11-inch (2nd generation) is currently unavailable. (64613902)

Messages - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • You no longer receive an alert that indicates the maximum number of pinned conversations has been reached. (62919406)

Messages - Known Issues

  • iMessage apps icons aren't hidden when switching to the emoji keyboard. (60897469)

Metal - Known Issues

  • API validation can't be used while using shader validation. (64055248)

Music - Known Issues

  • If your device is subject to the EU Volume Limit, you might be unable to increase headphone volume above the recommended limit. (64172180) Workaround: Use the volume slider in Control Center instead.

Networking - Known Issues

  • HTTP/3 Draft 29 isn't yet supported. (63524866)

Notification Center - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Touching and holding on Mail notifications now displays the content of the message as expected. (64001154)

PencilKit - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • After updating to iPadOS 14 beta and enabling a Chinese or English keyboard, you no longer need to force close an app to use Scribble or Copy As Text. (64222317)

Phone and FaceTime - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Boost Mobile customers now receive incoming calls. (64381514)
  • Regular and emergency Wi-Fi Calling using iPadOS 14 beta, macOS Big Sur 11 beta, and watchOS 7 beta are now available for T-Mobile USA customers. (63078572)

Phone and FaceTime - Known Issues

  • Control Center indicates "Phone" is using the microphone for calls placed over the cellular network, but indicates "System" for calls placed over Wi-Fi networks. (64269165)

Photos - Known Issues

  • Image search isn't supported in Simulator. (62479686)

Screen Time - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • It no longer takes a few seconds to dismiss Screen Time after choosing to ignore a time limit. (60307739)
  • The Screen Time widget is now available. (64037493)

Settings - Known Issues

  • The "Learn More…" link in Settings > Privacy > Tracking isn't currently available. (63106206)
  • The "Allow Apps to Request to Track" preference in Settings > Privacy > Tracking might unexpectedly become re-enabled after being disabled. (64168665)

Siri - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Home automation that contains a shortcut will function as expected. (64016006)
  • Widget configuration will work for apps that adopt the new in-app intent handling API. (64045419)
  • When tapping to edit, Siri now dismisses. (63735795)
  • While using Siri in silent mode, you no longer have to tap the Siri button before each new request. (62853659)
  • Siri will no longer produce inconsistent responses when using Simulator. (64225134)

Siri - Known Issues

  • Triggering an automation when closing an app isn't currently available. (62820498)

Searching for "Timer" and tapping a suggestion to start a timer doesn't start the timer as expected. (62849336)

  • Siri might not recognize shortcuts. (63648718) Workaround: Create a new shortcut in the Shortcuts app, then Siri will once again recognize previously created shortcuts.
  • Built-in and developer-provided actions that contain text array parameters might produce an unexpected error. (64808212)

Software Update - Known Issues

  • Your device might restart but isn't updated to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta. (64606517) Workaround: Try removing content to free up additional storage or update your device using your computer.

SwiftUI - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Usability issues affecting the ColorPicker have been resolved. (60470474)
  • A Label used with a symbol image no longer appears misaligned. (60193698)
  • Sections in sidebar lists no longer have an unexpected appearance. (63586698)
  • Disclosure groups in Forms no longer produce unexpected results. (64079102)
  • Nested disclosure groups generated by OutlineGroup no longer produce unexpected results. (64097731)
  • Document-based apps can now open documents. (64282719
  • Using ContainerRelativeShape now works inside the clipShape modifier. (64325583)

SwiftUI - Known Issues

  • View.body is now implicitly a @ViewBuilder and App.body is now implicitly a @SceneBuilder. (63606493)
  • Rebuilding against the iOS 14 SDK will modify instances of custom(_:fixedSize:) to scale with dynamic type. To create a font which doesn't scale with dynamic type, use Font.custom(_:fixedSize:). (51463566)
  • The SignInWithAppleButton view expands to fill its container. (64136568) Workaround: Apply a frame modifier.

Third-Party Apps - Known Issues

  • Apps using JSONKit might quit unexpectedly on launch. Some forks of JSONKit hardcode private pointer representation details which are subject to change. (60290929) Workaround: Use NSJSONSerialization instead.
  • fstab has been removed. Filesystem contents outside of an app's sandbox can no longer be used for validation. (61098152)
  • Apps using the NativeScript framework might quit unexpectedly on launch. NativeScript performs an unsafe operation to determine if an arbitrary pointer is an Objective-C object pointer. You can temporarily resolve this issue by using object_getClass(_:) instead of reading the isa directly; however, update this code to avoid checking whether arbitrary pointers are Objective-C object pointers. (62913064)

Translate - Known Issues

  • On-Device Mode isn't currently supported. (64437614)

TV - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Subscribing to channels through the TV app using iOS & iPadOS 14 beta or tvOS 14 beta isn't currently supported. (64141164)

Vision - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • The NSSecureCoding implementation of VNRecognizedPointsObservation no longer causes -initWithCoder: to fail. (63681919)

Vision - Deprecations

  • The VNIdentifiedPointsObservation class is deprecated. Use VNRecognizedPointsObservation instances instead. (63690311)

Wallet - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Apple Pay support is now available to Mac Catalyst apps. Two methods have been added to existing delegate protocols. No changes are required for iPad apps, but one or both of these methods must be implemented when building for Catalyst. (64187739)
  • The first method is an addition to the PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate protocol: presentationWindowForPaymentAuthorizationController:. This method is required for Catalyst when using PKPaymentAuthorizationController, because PKPaymentAuthorizationController, unlike PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController, doesn't have knowledge of the window requesting presentation of the payment sheet. Pass back the UIWindow instance displaying the UI requesting the payment, for example, MyViewController.view.window. This method is marked as required when building for Catalyst, but is otherwise optional.
  • The second method depends on whether you're using PKPaymentAuthorizationController or PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController. For PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate, use paymentAuthorizationController(_:didRequestMerchantSessionUpdate:). For PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate, use paymentAuthorizationViewController(_:didRequestMerchantSessionUpdate:).

This method must be implemented to request a merchant session via your server, and return it via the handler. This mirrors the security model used in WebKit, and replaces listing merchant IDs in the app's Apple Pay entitlements. This method in turn uses the following class to send back results:

  • API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.16), ios(14.0), watchos(7.0))
  • @interface PKPaymentRequestMerchantSessionUpdate : NSObject
  • (instancetype)initWithStatus:(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus)status
  • merchantSession:(nullable PKPaymentMerchantSession *)session;
  • @property (nonatomic, assign) PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus status;
  • @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) PKPaymentMerchantSession *session;
  • @end

Wallet - Known Issues

  • isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn't ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880) Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().

Watch - Known Issues

  • Your Medical ID might not appear as expected in the Apple Watch app. (64953421)

Workaround: Verify your Medical ID using Settings > Health > Medical ID instead.

Widgets - Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2

  • Deploying widgets directly no longer causes excessive reloading of the timeline in Simulator. (64131405)
  • Widgets now appear in the widget gallery when using Simulator. (64222135)
  • When deploying a widget directly from Xcode, the widget now appears, even if the device's home screens are full or if the target device is iPad. (64141978)
  • An Edit Widget option no longer appears when touching and holding a widget, when the widget isn't configurable. (60287590)
  • When deploying a widget from Xcode, apps and other overlays now dismiss automatically on build and run. (63692203)
  • The Weather widget no longer displays weather for Cupertino instead of your current location. (64221611)

Widget - Known Issues

  • The quick actions menu might unexpectedly appear behind the widget overlay. (64456466) Workaround: Restart your device.
  • onBackgroundURLSessionEvents(matching:_:) might not be called as expected. (64671952)
  • Stacks might unexpectedly become unavailable. (64682733) Workaround: Restart your device.
  • Some widgets might disappear from your Home Screen after updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2. (64823469) Workaround: Add the missing widgets back to your Home Screen.
  • Widgets might sometimes appear unresponsive. (64899088)
  • Fonts size currently doesn't adjust automatically for different device sizes. (60348216)
  • Widgets aren't blocked for Screen Time when their parent app is blocked. (60747373)
  • The frame(width:height:alignment:) modifier doesn't currently work for views including root level VStack and HStack. (62617098)
  • WidgetKit extensions can continue to access location services for up to 15 minutes after being viewed if their app has been granted 'While Using the App' location access. (62888317)
  • When a device is locked, widgets on the lock screen might have an unexpected appearance. (63246894)
  • You can't resize an existing widget. (63500799) Workaround: Remove the widget and re-add it at the desired size.
  • After tapping Edit Widget for a large widget, an unexpected animation might appear. (63646749)

Updates in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

App Store - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

  • SKOverlay enables downloading an app without having to leave the current app. The overlay can also be tapped to view the app in the App Store. In an App Clip, SKOverlay enables users to download the corresponding full app from within the App Clip. (56886149)
  • You can now manage subscriptions, test upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations, as well as reset the introductory offer eligibility for a test account, by tapping on your sandbox account in Settings. (57248908)

AVFoundation - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

  • A new feature in AVAudioSession allows clients to request stereo polar patterns from the built-in mic. Clients choosing a stereo polar pattern must call a new method of AVAudioSession to specify the stereo input orientation. For more information, see AVAudioSession (58584572)

HealthKit - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

  • New data types are available to track mobility metrics including walking speed, step length, double-support percentage, and more. (56387364)
  • HKElectrocardiogram enables reading electrocardiogram voltage data and classifications recorded by Apple Watch. (56396806)

Localization - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

  • Three Simplified Chinese Wubi input methods are now supported: Wubi 86, Wubi 98, and Wubi New Century. (56277474)
  • QuickPath now supports swiping English words on the Simplified Chinese Pinyin keyboard. (56314466)
  • Typing numbers using the Japanese Kana keyboard has been significantly enhanced. (56285976)
  • CarPlay keyboard support has been added for over 100 additional languages. (56791047)

Irish Gaelic and Norwegian Nynorsk keyboards now support Auto-Correction. (53156919, 48183197)

Logging - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

New APIs are available for using os_log from Swift as part of the framework os:

  • A new type, Logger, can be instantiated using a subsystem and category and provides methods for logging at different levels (Logger.debug, Logger.error, Logger.fault).
  • The Logger APIs support specifying most formatting and privacy options supported by legacy Logging APIs.
  • The new APIs provide significant performance improvements over the legacy APIs.
  • You can now pass Swift string interpolation to the os_log function. Note: The new APIs can't be back deployed; however, the existing os_log API remains available for back deployment. (22539144)

Networking - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

  • Experimental HTTP/3 support can be enabled in Safari Settings > Advanced > Experimental Features, and enabled system-wide in Developer settings. (62969220)

Safari and Webkit - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

  • Translation is now available in the U.S. and Canada. Supported languages include English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese. Safari will automatically detect if translation is available based on your Preferred Languages list. (64437861)

Voice Control - New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta

  • Voice Control is now available in English (United Kingdom) and English (India). (55904557)

To update your iPhone to iOS 14 dev beta 3, you'll need to be a registered developer. You can use the restore image for your iPhone available in the Developer portal (install with iTunes or Finder) or install the configuration profile, then update over the air. If you already have the profile installed on your iPhone, head over to Settings –> General –> Software Update to start installing the latest beta build, or you can wait until it installs automatically if "Automatic Updates" is enabled.


Cover image, screenshots, and GIF by Jake Peterson/Gadget Hacks

The next big software update for iPhone is coming sometime in April and will include a Food section in Apple News+, an easy-to-miss new Ambient Music app, Priority Notifications thanks to Apple Intelligence, and updates to apps like Mail, Photos, Podcasts, and Safari. See what else is coming to your iPhone with the iOS 18.4 update.

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