How To: Sort Your iPhone's Camera Roll into Automatically Created Photo Albums by Topic

Sort Your iPhone's Camera Roll into Automatically Created Photo Albums by Topic

I have over 400 photos on my iPhone, and I don't even know where half of them came from. Scrolling through all of those pictures is a pain in the ass, but it's not nearly as bad as trying to actually find an old image. Organization is not my strong suit, so I'm definitely not the type to create new albums to sort through my 400+ photos.

Luckily, I don't have to do this—and neither do you.

If you've been suffering from the same dilemma, simply make your iPhone do all the tedious work for you. All you need is the Impala app by Euvision Technologies, available for free in the iOS App Store.

Note: I am jailbroken, as you can probably tell in my screenshots and video, but you do NOT have to be jailbroken to use Impala.

Sorting Every Pic You Have on Your iPhone

After installing Impala, open it up and wait a few minutes while your photos automatically begin sorting into specific albums. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on how many photos you have in your Camera Roll.

Impala analyzes the photos, then distinguishes things like Men, Women, Outdoor, Indoor, Cars, Party-life, and more to sort them into corresponding albums inside the Impala app. Some albums will repeat photos, like a picture of you playing golf outside may go under Outdoors as well as Men/Women or even Sports.

Adding Impala Albums to Your Photos App

If you'd like your new Impala albums to sync with your Photos app, just pick an album from the Impala app and tap the Add this album to iPhone photo gallery option. It'll add that album to Photos as "[Album Name] by Impala".

Above: Impala album (left) and its newly synced Photo album (right)

If you take a new photo with your Camera (or other app), it won't automatically sync into its appropriate Impala-created album in your Photos app until you open Impala, which initiates the syncing process.

And don't worry, as mentioned by the developers, Impala does not connect or transmit any of your data to cloud services, which makes it secure from a privacy perspective.

Impala isn't without its fair share of hiccups; a picture of me (a man) was sorted into the Women album, which was a slight blow to my masculinity. It also sorted all the pictures of my dog under a Cats album, but it's still a fun way to automatically organize your photos.

If you don't mind these insignificant and soon to be addressed bugs, then definitely check out Impala.

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1 Comment

LOL @ the DOG in a cat album

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