How To: The Fastest Way to Stay Up to Date with Reddit on Your iPhone

The Fastest Way to Stay Up to Date with Reddit on Your iPhone

Reddit is a force to be reckoned with. What started out as link aggregator has become one of the world's most popular websites, with over 170 million unique visitors and 6 billion monthly pageviews. Whether you're into cute animals, crazy conspiracy theories, sports, or Taylor Swift's armpit, Reddit definitely has something for every taste, interest, and morbid curiosity.

Regardless if you're at work, out with friends, or just looking to kill a little time, you can now get a seamless, up-to-date experience by using developer Andrew Farquharson's free Reddit widget, called Quick Red, on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch running iOS 8.1 or higher.

Step 1: Set Up Your Widget

After you've installed Quick Red, open it to start adjusting the preferences for your Front Page and Subreddit widgets. You can set the number of posts displayed, their category, and there's even an option to sign into your account.

When opening an image, the graphic will load in the Quick Red app, but for links, you can choose which browser they open in.

Step 2: Apply the Widgets

Next, just set the widgets in the Today View in your Notification Center. With the free version of the app, you can check either widget five times a day, although I have yet to be restricted in the number of times I can view the widget.

If you're using it extensively, purchase the full version for a measly $0.99 through an in-app purchase, which not only supports development, but also removes the not-fully-implemented view restriction.

Remember to leave us a comment below with your thoughts on Quick Red, and catch up with us over on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter for more cool iOS apps and hacks.

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