How To: Disable autocorrect on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Disable autocorrect on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Watch this video to learn how to disable auto-correction on your iPhone. Launch Installer (you should be familiar with this application by now) from your Springboard. 2. Go to Install and scroll down to Tweaks 1.1.1; under Categories. kb_fix_iPhone.jpg 3. Select Kb2 from the list of packages. Install it. Click the Home button, and the iPhone will go to the "Slide to Unlock" screen. 4. Go to Settings General Keyboard and you should see a new option, called Enable Autocorrection. Touch it to turn it On. Install kb_fix_iPhone2.jpg 5. That's it! The Auto-correction feature has now been disabled. You can type all your slang without worrying about the auto-correction kicking in! 6. Sit back, relax, and grab yourself a nice cold beverage for a job well done.

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