News: Apple to Reimburse Customers Who Purchased Workflow

Apple to Reimburse Customers Who Purchased Workflow

Apple made headlines last month when it announced it would acquire the popular application Workflow. Now, the company should be making waves again with the news that they will reimburse customers who purchased the app.

In the weeks since the announcement, Apple has made Workflow free to download. These situations can be tricky for customers, since it hurts to purchase a product that is soon made free of charge.

Additionally, Apple removed certain features of the original app, like compatibility with third-party applications such as Google Chrome, Uber, LINE, Telegram, and Pocket.

It appears Apple will do right by these customers, however. Those who purchased Workflow in the few weeks before Apple made it free will receive a refund. These customers should receive an email detailing the refund, as well as a notice that the refund may take up to five business days to process.

A MacRumors reader sent the company their email from Apple, which reads:

Dear iTunes Customer,

Thank you for purchasing Workflow by DeskConnect, Inc. Workflow is now available for free in the App Store. Since you recently purchased this app, we have issued you a full refund in the amount of $3.23. These funds will be applied to your original payment method and may take up to five business days from the issue date to post to your account.


iTunes Support Team

If you were one of those who purchased the app before the eliminated price, look out of this email and refund; this awesome opportunity doesn't happen very often.

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Cover image via allen/Flickr

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