
Apple Photos

A pair of scissors positioned over a smartphone displaying images of cats.
Oct 26, 2022

One of the most useful new features Apple included on iOS 16 lets you instantly lift the subject out of a photo, separating it from the background. Once extracted, you can paste, save, or drop the cut ...

Article cover image
Sep 30, 2022

Without realizing it, you may be giving away the GPS coordinates of your home, workplace, school, and other important or secret locations. Unless you've blocked the feature on your iPhone, location da ...

Mobile phone displaying a map with directions and location details.
Sep 8, 2022

Metadata might be a bigger concern than you might realize. In its continuous push to be a privacy-first company, Apple has released several new features with iOS 15 that allow you to adjust and perman ...

Mobile device screen displaying a gallery of edited images with a focus on plants.
Sep 4, 2022

Your iPhone's Photos app just got a major new feature that lets you edit multiple photos and videos simultaneously. That means you no longer have to try and remember all the adjustments made in one im ...

Menu options on a smartphone screen for managing data deletion settings.
Aug 20, 2022

If you're like me, you take more than just a few screenshots throughout the day, and they add up fast on your iPhone. When you snap that many images of the screen, your Photos app's "Screenshots" fold ...

Button options for converting a file to JPEG or canceling the action.
Dec 15, 2021

If you regularly run into issues opening images that use the .heic extension, the easiest solution is to convert the file into a more compatible format. Using apps like Photos and Preview on a Mac mak ...

Text on a smartphone screen displaying an article.
Oct 26, 2021

Google Lens has easily been one of the more useful AR apps and a tantalizing tease of life with smartglasses in the not-so-distant future. Now, Apple has its own version of Lens, dubbed Live Text, bui ...

Shared media links on a mobile device screen.
Oct 16, 2021

After updating to iOS 15 or iPadOS 15, you'll notice a new "Shared with You" section in certain Apple apps that contains recent shares from conversations in Messages. If you don't like seeing shared c ...

iPhone 11 Pro image details including date, camera specifications, and ISO settings.
Jun 16, 2021

Apple introduces several new privacy settings with iOS 15, including the ability to better manage the metadata in your photos. With just a few taps, you can effectively spoof a photo's geolocation and ...

Apple Music interface showing top song suggestions.
Jun 16, 2021

Having thousands of photos and videos in your Photos gallery can make it difficult to find the best ones, but your iPhone does make it a bit easier. Memories, which have been around since iOS 10, auto ...