Your iPhone is full of search bars. Messages, Notes, Photos, Reminders ... these apps and more allow you to search for specific items to speed up whatever it is you're doing. But the fastest way to se ...
When you sign up to be a public tester for Apple's iOS, you get early access to features most users won't see for months. But you aren't the first — developers get priority when it comes to beta relea ...
There's nothing quite as exciting in the beta testing world as a new update. Battling overloaded servers to download the latest update as fast as possible, just to scour through the new OS looking for ...
Not long ago, connecting your iPhone to Bluetooth devices was a true pain in the neck. Control Center's AirPlay button made connecting to certain devices much easier, but it was with iOS 13 that Apple ...
You open the App Store to see a huge red number hovering over your profile icon. There's a ton of updates to install, so you tap "Update All." But wait! You needed to check Instagram or send a reply t ...
By default, texts and iMessages are stored forever in the Messages app on your iPhone. But do you really need them to be? It's not too often that you'll need to view a text from a year ago, and keepin ...
Pasting on your iPhone has never been easier. You're familiar with the old way of doing things — long-press in the text field to bring up the "Paste" option, then tap that option to paste your text. I ...
Apple Arcade actually looks like a refreshing change of pace for subscription services. The platform costs just $4.99 a month and includes access to over 100 unique and exclusive games. That's not to ...
The Files app received a big update in iOS 13. Before, it was limited to local and cloud-based files, but now you can access data from external storage devices, including SD cards and USB drives. But ...